From Iceland — What’s Important

What’s Important

Published January 18, 2015

Gunnar Nelson, fighter, winner, Zen-master

What’s Important
Photo by
Nanna Dís

Gunnar Nelson, fighter, winner, Zen-master

At the end of 2014, I have a baby boy. His name is Stígur Týr Nelson, and he’s growing bigger and stronger every day—he’s seven months old now, so he wasn’t there at the start of the year. I’ve also been training a lot in 2014, competing three times in the UFC, with two wins and one loss [incidentally, Gunnar’s first professional loss], but overall it went pretty well. I’ve learned a lot and look forward to taking on 2015.

What’s in store? Oh, more of the same really, I’m going to keep training and spending time with my family. We’re hopefully moving to a new house soon, where we can make ourselves more comfortable. And then, there will probably be a few fights in the coming months. The worst-case scenario would probably be if I and everyone I hold dear were to suddenly die, with me being the last to go.

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